
To make youth workers aware of the potential of the innovative method of Storytelling, in developing competences needed for employability.


 “Storytelling opened my eyes and perspective for going to what is really dear to my heart- education. It also gave me new ideas and skills how to do it differently than I was working with teenagers and adults till now.”

“I had an amazing chance to meet great people, learn more about their work, experience, passion and fins out that there are more people like me, somewhere in Europe who want to bring changes in their communities, and that also struggle like me, but they deal with challenges differently.”

“Before, I kind of didn’t believe that spoken word can influence people very much. It’s more action and reflection that changes people. Now I admit that well-chosen , honest words put in certain way might achieve the goal. Now I might be more interested in reading stories, tales etc”

“I really appreciated the events for the local people. I developed my team working  skills, trusting my group mates, relying on  myself that I will do the right thing at the right moment.”

“During the blindfolded session I realized how amazing we are as human beings, and how much we can tell, communicate using only sound and movement.”

“I am fascinated by choreotherapy and how movement and dance influence our emotions and minds- it was a revelation to me that this can also be the way to tell stories. I also got to think a lot about how disabled people perceive dance and what can be done to enable them to take part in classes of that kind.”

“Storytelling is a powerful tool in education, I want to implement it on my way of working with youngsters and I have the feeling that now I can do it.”

“I realize that there is a whole world moving and connecting and cooperating thanks to Erasmus +. I met valuable professionalas and wonderful human beings I hope to work with. I had the opportunity to train my storytelling skills and I gained a whole new perspective on how to use storytelling as a tool, not only as a performative art. “

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