
To make youth workers aware of the potential of the innovative method of Storytelling, in developing competences needed for employability.

Project description

 "Storytelling: senses and competences"is a mobility project for youth workers which took place in Romania, Timisoara from 12 to 17 October 2014. The stories you will discover here were brought together by 20 youth workers coming from 6 European countries, and belonging to 7 organizations: Asociatia Babel Education from Romania; Klub studentu, rodicu a pratel Cyrilometodejskeho gymnazia v Prostejove from Czech Republic; Cooperativa Sociale Immaginaria A R.L.Onlus from Italy; Klubs Maja - jaunatne vienotai Eiropai from Latvia; Piedzivojumu parks from Latvia; Animashow Associação Cultural e Recreativa from Portugal and Stowarzyszenie Sprezyna - Centrum Edukacji Nieformalnej from Poland.

The 20 participants attending this training course were youth workers, youth leaders, high school teachers, volunteers that work in the field of youth, volunteer coordinators, and mentors.During the 6 days of the training they discovered and used tools for reaching the employability competences through Storytelling, such as verbal communication,team work. This was be done through all senses in means of various non-formal methods and was based on sharing good practice. 

The learning process of the project included several stages: Interactive workshops and Input on: Storytelling through sound and movement, Storytelling through sight and touching, Storytelling through smell and touch; Voice projection and acting on stage;  Facilitating the method in a public space from the community; World Café on reaching employability competences; Receiving feedback; and transferring all the tools used in a Storytelling Handbook: Storytelling Resource Pack and Blog. The last day was dedicated to putting the youth workers in the shoes of the audience experiencing a full day of storytelling sessions facilitated by the internationally well-known  storyteller Andrew Wright.

The project did not only focus on the understanding and knowing how of the youth workers regarding the method of Storytelling when working with young people and to extract employability competences, but also to experience the method as such, by means of all senses and to organize and facilitate events and workshops around the Storytelling method in their own countries.

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