
To make youth workers aware of the potential of the innovative method of Storytelling, in developing competences needed for employability.


Storyteller Francesco Ghilotti

                Anthropologist and scholar of ancient religions, Francesco is passionate about traditional tales and in general about the transmission dynamics of oral cultures. Great reader of novels, he firmly believes that the imagination creates the world and that the life itself is a huge open-ended story, in which we are at the same authors, readers and heroes. He believes in the therapeutic value of any form of artistic expression, and of any path of self-awareness. He loves working with children. He loves listening stories about worlds that he does not know.

Francesco Ghilotti – francesco.ghilotti3@hotmail.it

Storyteller Ana Fiț

             I’m always searching for beautiful projects, bold ideas and kind people, they make my day. I love communication in all its shapes. I treasure leadership and I think that each positive example should spread like a virus.
            With over 6 years of experience in marketing, I’ve always felt an iressistible atraction for the social sector. I’m curently involved in diferent projects as a volunteer (author on RomaniaPozitiva.ro, communication consultant for some social enterprises). In the near future, I plan to facilitate different workshops for kids, teenagers, and adults based on non-formal techniques, like games and storytelling.

Storyteller Jana Ligurska

               Jana Ligurská (32) is a teacher from the Czech Republic. She teaches Czech language and literature, Latin and English at Cyrilometodějské gymnázium in Prostějov. She works with 12 - 19 years old students. She is interested in non-formal methods of education. She likes reading books, playing the piano and driving the car. She has two daughters and expecting twins this summer. 
e-mail ligurskaj@seznam.cz

Storyteller Joao Rodriques

Storyteller Kasia

            My name is Kasia and I am from Poland. I am 32 years old, married, having 2 small daughters. I live in a little village, in southern part of Poland, which is very beautiful place. I studied Tourism and Recreation at one of the academies in Krakow. Together with my close friends we are part of non-formal organization called “Spring” – The Center of Non-formal Education. We do a lot of volunteering projects together, both for children and adults, but above all for us to have a joy out of it J! I am fascinated with the alternative methods of teaching. I really believe that polish schools need to change a lot. I would love to be the part of that change J.

Storyteller Nuno Liborio

Storyteller - Adriana Ioana Bârcean
English teacher and youth worker

            I am a mother of four and enjoy very much working with kids and youth, in general. I like creative challenges and it is always a joy for me to be part of artistic events, using all possible artistic opportunities. I am a big fan of shadow theatre and of using art in teaching English in class. I love to learn by doing and am interested in individual-focused learning. I love handmade and living close to nature. I live in the countryside together with my big and wonderful family. e-mail: 


Storyteller - Ilze Zvejniece

             My name is Ilze. I come from Latvia, from a beautiful and calm town called Alūksne. My job and my interest at the same time is working with young people and help them find themselves, their interests, their opinions and voice in order not to be afraid to express themselves and realize their ideas in school, local community and more. In my mind society needs more and more people who are able to think and act. And I guess storytelling is one of many ways how to make it happen. So let`s use it!

e-mail: zvejniece.ilze@gmail.com

Storyteller Natalia Niemiec

          Specialist for Management and Organization in Hydro electrical Power Station in Niedzica (South part of Poland), president of the Spring Association - Center of Nonformal Education in Czorsztyn Community. The best thing about my association is that I'm builing it with amazing friends and people. Few years ago when I was studying in South Africa conflict resolution and reconciliation, I discovered that I want to build bridges between people and cultures.
           I love when somebody reads to me. I also love to have picnics with great company and food on Summer nights.
           The most powerful experience is for me to meet another person, and be in the nature.
           My dream is to have impact on the way how kids are tough at schools. Fly with hot air balloon and discover 'new land'.

Storyteller Raluca Istrate

         Librarian at Satu Mare County Library, Romania. I love reading, travelling, biking, photography, music, cats, chocolate, people and stories. I love stories from people all over the world. I believe in dreams coming true and that a good deed always pays back.


Storyteller Serena Zampolli

              Serena Zampolli is a PhD student of Digital Humanities at the University of Genoa, Italy, and has been working as language teacher and educator for almost ten years. She is a FIST storyteller-in-training and has just joined Genoa's storytelling association "NarraZena", for which she hopes to develop new projects involving youth, technologies and storytelling.

Storyteller Magda Krzysik

          Hello, my name is Magda and I come from Poland. I am a proud member of Spring Association – Center of Nonformal Education that gives me the opportunity and pleasure to work with kids and adults in different contexts and on different occasions (which I enjoy very, very much!). I’m also a literary translator and an English teacher. I am very lucky to have a wonderful family and a great group of real friends who are my source of true happiness and who give energy to work and enjoy life.

Storyteller Ioana Trifa

           My name is Ioana Trifa and I started working with children since I was in college, but with children who had different social problems. Now I work in a private afterscholl and I enjoy my work with them because they are curios and they have a plentiful imagination.
           I'm an active and creative person and I love travelling and meeting new people from whom I can learn different thinghs that I could use in my every day life.

Storyteller Jolanta Krivina

           Hello Storytellers! My name is Jolanta, I am from Latvia. I enjoy telling this story to my niece. She likes when during the story I act and make sounds like animals do, this is also the way how to introduce her with animals living in the forest. This story has been adapted to many countries, changing the animals participating in the story and sounds they make. I hope also your listeners will enjoy diversity of sounds and kindness the animals showed!
e-mail: jolanta.krivina@gmail.com

Storyteller Agnese Grebže

          I come from Ķekava. It is a willage situated 18 km from Rīga – the capital of Latvia. I am a primary school teacher in private school „Gaismas tilts 97”. I work with children age from 5-11. We are doing all things together - learning, exploring nature, reading books, playing games, singing and dancing. Together we get to know the world.
         I am really interested in Latvian traditions. My hobby is Latvian folk dancing. I find it very important that people learn about the Latvian traditional stories and fairy tales. The stories, fairy tales and Latvian traditions helps me to give knowledge of ethical norms and moral values to my students.

e-mail: grebze@inbox.lv

Storyteller Sandra Legzdiņa

         I come from Ķekava. It is a willage not far away from the capital of Latvia – Rīga. I am a primary school teacher in private school „Gaismas tilts 97”. I work with children age from 7-12. For several years together with my team I organize summer camps for children, because it is very important to me how interesting and useful children spend their leisure time. The story or legend is a basis for exciting adventure camp. If you have managed to produce a very fascinating and educative legend it helps you to develop children’s positive qualities. I will prefer to choose different stories about sailors, pirates and local stories and tales.

e-mail: sandra@gt97.lv

Storyteller Jana Buresova

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